Saturday, April 23, 2011

two months later..

I am the absolutely WORST at keeping this blog updated! So much has happened between my last post and now so I'll quickly sum up the things that come to mind:

*I started a teaching certification course and started teaching real students. I'm learning a lot and it's been a great experience interacting with students and getting more comfortable in front of the classroom.

*Mic went to Cuba for 2 weeks and had an amazing time. He came back with little treats for me, lots of Revolution memorabilia, authentic Cuban cigars, and a taste for rum. He went with a best friend and I was really happy for him because I know it meant a lot to him. We watched "Che" before he left and I know it stirred something in him, especially with the things happening in Italy with Berlusconi. He's already trying to recruit for a revolution there and I'm happy he was able to explore a place he felt so strongly towards. They backpacked all over the entire country, meeting locals and really seeing everything. He also wants to start Salsa lessons since the Cubans shamed him every night they went out. He showed me some moves and as expected, I was phenomenal.

*Margo is still alive and naughty as ever. She's still climbing and tearing our curtains and bullying the other cats in our neighborhood. They're all at least twice her size but she definitely holds her own. Yesterday I was cleaning and she ran away terrified on account of the vacuum. I called her for about 30 minutes with no response. I was starting to go crazy because I knew she was inside but I thought I'd closed her into something. Turns out she was just not into the idea of answering me.. or climbing down from her perch on our window sill.

*Damaly is visiting for 2 weeks! She's currently in Dusseldorff but she'll get here Monday which I'm pumped for! Normally when she visits we're off exploring other countries but this time we have nothing planned. It'll be great for her to actually see Holland and she couldn't have picked a better time: the weather has been SPECTACULAR! It feels like summer and Mic and I have been taking every advantage. It's a long weekend on account of Easter and we've been relaxing and enjoying outdoor activities. She'll also be here in time for Queen's Day where I'm sure things will get creepy.

*My sister Bean is getting married next Summer and picked out her dress this week. Everyone says it's beautiful and I can't wait to see it! I miss her and my entire family and am still hoping to go home for a few weeks in July or August.

*Last but not least, my most exciting bit of news, we're going to the CANARY ISLANDS the first week of June! We're going to the island of Tenerife, which I hadn't heard of before but wow am I impressed with what I've seen online! I think it will be similar to Ibiza in that there's the partying and bustling nightlife aspect but it's also really beautiful and natural. I've looked into all kinds of amazing things to do, including a Jungle Park that's home to one of 27 while lions in the world and seeing the 3rd largest volcano in the world, Mt. Teide. I'm really excited to relax and have fun in the sun! WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!

That's all for now.. I'm gonna go wake up Mic and Margo from their naps. Between the two of them, I don't know who's worse with the sleeping! ;-p