Tuesday, December 23, 2008

gone baby, GONE!

Ok so the family left to ski in Switzerland and I must say these have been some of the best days of my life. They're good people and all but I really needed time away from them just to do my own thing. Take now for instance: I'm sitting in my underwear, drinking the liquid version of myself (hot chocolate, duh) and occasionally getting up to dance when a good song comes on. When they left, I ran through the house screaming, mostly out of joy but also just because I could. So much of the time I have to be quiet for fear of waking anyone up and it feels AMAZING just being able to do as I please and having no worries.

This week was quite fabulous. I've been looking forward to vacation so much that even despite some annoyances, I remained in the highest spirits. A few weeks ago I'd been worried about some relationships I had in the US and how they were going sour. Then I came to my senses and realized that I don't need that kind of stress in my life and that being here was the best thing for me since I am what's most important. I refuse to appease others selfish desires and wishes to hinder my own happiness. It's my parade so don't try and rain on it, thankssssssssss! The more time I spend here, the more I appreciate the true relationships I do have with people I still keep in touch with. If you ever want to test your own relationships with people, try moving to a different country for a year and see who's still got your back while you're there and when you get back.

Thursday night I had the pleasure of spending the night with Jaime, who left for London then home on Friday, and another cool ass au pair we met named Ri from London. We started out at Jaime's house, drinking bottles of wine and getting to know each other better. Then we drunkenly ventured out in Haarlem where we insisted on taking shots of tequila, and I threw back some more red wine. As usual, I feel fine when we're at the bar but my inebriation doesn't make itself apparent until the ride home. I fell off my bike at least twice and each time I had to give myself a pep-talk before I'd actually get up. As if that wasn't enough, I fell AGAIN when I got in the house! I tripped over stuff in the hallway and made so much noise that Thomas awoke, thinking it was one of the kids.

My life is so fucking stupid.

Thankfully, the family left Friday afternoon around noonish because I sincerely doubt I would've survived a normal Friday. My body was extremely sore and I really think I bruised a rib (it hurt so much, I thought it was broken) but I feel much better now. I spent much of Friday recuperating before going to Ri's house for dinner. We had an awesome time, drinking wine and exchanging stories. I then went home where Remy soon joined me and we watched a movie. Saturday, I made it to the gym (go me!) then hung out at Remy's, saying and doing the usual inappropriate things around his family.

**Sidenote: Rihanna's new song, "Rehab" is on and I will admit that I got a little hot & bothered when I saw my baby Justin, but overall the video is wack! She's half-naked throughout the entire thing but Justin is damn near dressed for winter... where are the shirtless shots?! She's wearing this cool eye veil thingy which I like but the song sucks so NEXT. Ohhhh! Now Kid Cudi's "Day and NIght" is on (the remixed version) and I love that song and video!**

I spent my first night alone in the house last night and it was actually kind of scary! I kept hearing all sorts of noises and imagining myself having to bust a cap in someone's ass if they tried to rob the place. I woke up this morning and visited Jaime's host family on my way to the gym. Tonight I plan to get my buzz on and wake up whenever I feel like it tomorrow!! I'm helping Remy's mom make Christmas dinner tomorrow and before I know it, it'll be time to leave for Paris on Saturday!!!!!!!

It's time now for me to get cleaned up.. thankfully, I will be in a car tonight and not on my bike! I know now not to drink and get behind my handle bars. Ok, dooi dooi!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Maar ik vind it zo lekker!

That is a classic quote from my sweet, lovable, I'm-going-to-pack-you-in-my-suitcase-and-steal-you, Tijn. I was downstairs making breakfast for them last week and he was trying to eat Paper Notes (traditional Sinterklaas cookie thingy). I told him, no, he couldn't have them for breakfast, and while my back is turned he runs with the bag into the living room (I love how kids think they're so slick). I repeat again that he can't have them and he says in the cutest voice EVER, "Maar ik vind it zo lekker" which translates into, "but I find them so tasty!" I had to stop myself from feeding him the entire bag.

Anylekker, I'm feeling better about life right now. I just had a wonderful dinner with Thomas and Eline where we laughed and chatted a lot and they're really two of the most awesome people on Earth. Today was a spectacular day. I managed to get to the gym, take a nap, and ik heb cadeautje's gemaakt. I should be cleaning my room and writing postcards right now, but I can get to that tomorrow since I'm babysitting. Here are some pictures from last weekend out with my loves!

Whenever I'm excited about something, it's all I'm able to think about. Natuurlijk, I cannot stop thinking about my trip to Paris!!! I've already made a list of things to pack and what I need to buy. I've been trying not to spend too much money but I did make some delicious purchases that I'm really excited to wear.. I still need a dress for New Years but I'm sure I'll find something in PARISSSSSS. I hope Remy has a camera because I managed to leave my camera charger somewhere back in the states! Despite me asking around, no one knows where it is so it looks like I'm screwed. I'll take it back to the 90's and use a one-time use.. maybe I'll even upgrade to digital.

Pim and Niek were sick all week but I'm happy to report that they're all better! It's getting awfully close to my bed time so I must bid you farewell.. tot ziens!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

iedere dag ik hustling...*

That post title is just a taste of what all my American friends have to look forward too when I get home because I will surely be Dutch translating/remixing every fucking song I know (you're welcome!).

Anyweg, I just had quite a fabulous weekend! Friday night, we all went out in Haarlem rather than making our usual trip to Amsterdam. I was definitely in more of a bar mood and despite feelings of irritation from the day/week, I ended up having fun as usual. We ran into the normal group of characters: model-types, magicians, guys in pants tighter than mine, dentists, guys with these which I stuck my fingers through, naturally. Saturday I babysat my two cute little babies, Niek and Pim before going to my first kickboxing match! My boy Remco from the gym kickboxes semi-professionally and after seeing the matches, I have a better understanding of what I had deemed as nonsense during the class he teaches. I haven't had that much fun in TOO LONG. It was really leuk to be off doing something different and watching men try and tear each other's heads off. There was a 25 Euro entrance fee which we managed to bypass since we didn't get there until intermission. I had my handy bottle of wine in a Pepsi bottle in my purse and was good to go. The first match was painful to watch since it was the dik sak (fat boy) weight class and blubber was a jigglin. Contenders were kicking and punching the Dutch out of each other and 2 fights were even ended early (one TKO and another guy's trainer threw in the towel). Remco did well. He had a worthy adversary who was very good at making it look like he was doing big things to the audience when in fact, most of his blows were being blocked. Anyway, the match ended in a tie. I toyed with the idea of really getting into kickboxing but after seeing his legs, ummmmm no thank you. I think it'd be fun to punch and kick the shit out of some broad (I've never been a big fan of girls as it is) so maybe it's worth it?!

Anyway, the best part of my weekend was talking to my sister. She is honest to God, my numero uno and if she wasn't my sister I'd go lezbo for her- that's how much I love her. She is the funniest person ever and I never have to deal with any bullshit from her. I'm so unbelievably ecstatic for her to get here. I've been having a good time with everyone here but NO ONE compares to her and just talking to her on the phone today made my life. We're really similiar, yet really different. She has so many qualities that have become increasingly difficult to find in other people. She's blunt, honest, GENUINE, caring, humble, hysterical and best of all, her own person. No matter where she is, she will always be herself (this hasn't always been well-received but at least she's not a poser. I can't stand people who front for others and try way too hard to be someone they're not just to impress people). I'll stop dick-riding her right now but trust me, she's the shit.

As usual, I went off on a tangent. So we're on the phone chatting about her impending visit (HOORAY!!). We're talking about how much she misses me and I her, and comparing our rather shitty weeks. I wish I could talk to her more often because she kept me on the phone laughing hysterically until my stomach hurt. She's been a little stressed out not having me around, going to school, working, relationship bullshit, and being an adult and paying the whole bills thing so she decided some retail therapy was in order during Black Friday. She was on the phone in line at Macy's and apparently didn't hear the cashier call out for the next person. The woman behind her decided to rudely tap her shoulder and mouth off at her, telling her that maybe she should get off her phone. This woman made 3 crucial mistakes that would have saved her from getting punched in the face: 1) Don't interrupt someone's phone conversation, it's rude 2)Don't touch people you don't know and 3)Don't mess with people during Black Friday, that shit will get you punched in the face!! While the cashier dials security, my sister drops everything and makes a run for it. I have a sense she won't be visiting Macy's anytime soon.

I think we may end up doing Spain for when she gets out here and I'm going to see if I can work something out with the family to get the entire week she's here off. I'm thinking maybe we can spend a long weekend in Spain then come back and party in Amsterdam for a few. She comes January 28th-February 4th so if you know of anything cool happening anywhere in Europe, feel free to let me know!

Monday, November 24, 2008

happy holidays, indeed!

Okay so in just FOUR WEEKS, I will have 2 weeks sans crying babies, poo-filled diapers, and 7:30 AM wake-up calls!!!!!!! Words cannot describe my excitement! Initially, I thought I'd be having quite a lonely holiday season since everyone I know here will be on vacation or going back to the states. Going home crossed my mind as well but I really have no desire to pass up on 2 weeks of quality travel time. My friend who was to visit from the US can't make it so I thought I'd have to travel alone maar, that is not the case! After contemplating going to Rome, Egypt, Prague, I managed to not only sucker my Dutch friend into traveling with me to PARIS, but he agreed to drive there (it's about 5 hours away)!!! Not only will I not have to deal with the damn train Nazis and see the countryside, but I can pass the time listening to music, napping comfortably and saving the 200+ euro it probably would've cost me for train tickets. I will probably spend said euro on getting Lisa a boyfriend. I also looked into some hostels and for the +/- 7 days that we stay, I won't have to spend more than 125 euro!!!

In addition, my pair-daddy Thomas, offered to give me 150 euro to go towards my travel! Since Paris isn't going to cost me much I'm toying with the idea of spending the 21st-24th in Barcelona, Spain. I looked up ticket and hostels and found a deal that would only cost me about 180 euro! I have not yet been able to sucker anyone into going with me but I think I'd be okay with traveling on my own. The hostel I looked at offers cool day trips and I'm social enough to make new friends along the way. When we stayed in our hostel in Belgium, we met an 18/19 year old Australian girl traveling by herself. If she can do it at that young age, I can do it as well. I really hope I don't get roofied/raped/mugged/killed or some combination of the 4.. that would really put a damper on things. I'm not certain if Barcelona will happen for sure because I may go with my sister when she gets here but it's cool to have options.

In other news, the kids are doing great. This past weekend was very relaxing.. I babysat on Friday night then did nothing Saturday night, but had my first scooter experience. It totally reminded me of Lloyd and Harry from Dumb & Dumber minus the peeing. Here are some pictures from last weekend, when we tried out that new place, Bitter Zoet as well as pictures of my little babies:

I don't even know this man! Please explain why he's hugging me so?!

I met Sinterklaas yesterday and he's a lot thinner than Santa. It also snowed yesterday and this morning (thankfully it didn't stick) which reminded me of good ol' Connecticut. Now the sun's ablazing and I'm contemplating going for a run but given Mother Nature's erratic moods and the fact that my break times are always compromised, it probably won't happen.

UPDATE: Mother Nature wasn't her usual cunty self and it's actually still gorgeous out. I need to stop having a conscience and stop putting others first because it's obviously not working in my favor. I was gonna go for a run on my break from 12:30-2:30 but around 12:50, Eline tells me Pim had a doctor's appointment and even though she offered to take Niek with her, I could tell it'd be a hassle and the poor thing was exhausted from Little Gyming it this morning. She came back around 1:50 but that would've only left me 40 minutes and I didn't want to have to rush. She said it'd be fine if I went around 3 after she picked up the kids which was fine by me. ButTijn and Lara both bring home a friend to play with and of course they wake up Pim and Niek when they get home. Pim and Niek are crying as I head for the door and I find myself feeling bad. So bad that I offer to take Niek for a walk to calm him down. He must've still been tired because he didn't wanna walk on his own and insisted I carry him. He didn't want to be in the house (not that I can blame him) so we got lost together in Heemstede. I figured I could go after our walk but Eline offered to drop off the kids that aren't hers so no running for me. It's so frustrating.

Dec. 20th needs to hurry up and get here. Au revoir!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

..in the arms of the angels

...may you find some comfort here...

Depending on the circumstance, I don't always find death to be sad. Death can sometimes be a celebration and represent the passing of one's life on earth to their eternally happy afterlife in heaven. This thought is comforting, especially if the deceased suffered great physical pain on earth, or lived to an old age. But what words of comfort can you extend to a family when their only child commits suicide? How do you stop feelings of guilt, anger, and sadness?

In situations like these, I know it's unfair to let oneself be battered by pangs of guilt but I know everyone is wondering if there was anything more they could've done- especially the parents. After losing as many people in my life as I have, I make it a point to tell those I care about that I love them. But when things like this happen, I'm left to wonder if that is enough. The realist in me let's me know that there probably wasn't much anyone could have done. When someone sinks into the lowest levels of depression and despair, it's often something that only they can get themselves out of. Unfortunately, my dear friend thought her only way out was to end her life.

I've never been very good at exhibiting emotion as a young adult. I am uncomfortable with the tears of others as well as my own. I don't always know what to say and I'm terrible at letting people in. I will say being surrounded by four of the cutest and sweetest kids ever has really helped my psyche in wrestling with this tremendous loss. Looking into their innocent little faces and wrapping my arms around their warm little bodies (along with unhealthy amounts of coloring) has helped me cope with all the thoughts swimming in my head. Niek is sitting on my lap as I compose this entry, drooling on my arm and giggling whenever I make gurgling sounds into his neck. Even though I'm really sad, I can't help but smile whenever I look at him or any of the other three.. even when Pim unleashes grueling rounds of fart ammunition into my arms while I'm holding him.. or when Tijn licks my face (these are his version of lion kisses, so cute!) or when Lara butchers the Enlish language when she tries to sing little songs I'm teaching her. It really helps to have them distracting me and keeping me positive and doing it without even knowing it.

...but apparently I may not be staying here as long as I thought since I just received a letter from the IND (immigration) denying my Visa... ummmmm yeaaaaa. I'll keep you all posted on that one.

Final Thought: love yourselves and each other (don't front like you didn't watch Jerry Springer!).

Saturday, November 8, 2008

drivin like you ain't got no insurance

I don't have anything important to write about but I've been neglecting my napping needs by watching stuff on Youtube and I came across this little diddy:

My sisters and I were/are avid ans of this show and it's in my Top 3 list of best comedies everrrrrr (along with Fresh Prince and the Cosby show). I've been watching several clips and am almost regretting the ab work-out I put in at the gym cuz my stomach is killing me! I wish there were more shows like this on the air instead of the overrated crap that tends to be popular(I will never understand the popularity of the Bill Engvall show). Martin should've won an Emmy for her role. Here's another compilation of the fabulousness that is Sheneneh: "Damn Cole! I mean we cool and all, but what you tryna buy- a Hyundai?"

Friday, November 7, 2008

America, FUCK YEA!

Of course I'm delighted with Obama's victory but if ONE more person asks me how I feel about it, I think I may flip my lid. It was bad enough before the election but now it seems to be the only subject people can think to talk to me about, that is when they're not spewing their hatred for Americans, but I'll get back to that in a bit...

The kids are doing excellent and this was a very good week. Pim is fast as lightening and he's started pulling himself up onto his knees now! This morning when I went to get him out of bed, he was leaning over the edge with the BIGGEST smile that made me forget how tired and hungover I was. I'm in love with that little boy. Tijn got a haircut and now it's easier for me to see his adorable little face! Lara's been really good and helpful and not as temperamental. Of course, she still cries like clockwork every Thursday evening at dinner about her swimming lessons on Friday but we're used to it and it wouldn't be Thursday dinner without it. Niek is phenomenal. I just got back from a walk with him and he's such a little adult.. He walks right into the bakery and gets in line with his hands folded behind his back, inspecting the goods. I almost expected him to pull out a wallet full of euro and buy the cheese croissant he was obsessed with.

I'd heard before that Americans weren't really all that popular in Europe and this week, Jaime and I experienced it firsthand. People have such a negative view of us, which sucks for them cuz we're utterly fabulous, but I digress. Our Dutch course takes place in the evenings from 7:30-10. We don't always have time to eat so we always bring snacks to combat our hunger. At Monday's class, Thea asked Jaime to stop eating, which was annoying but to make matters worse, some Serbian chick Mebitcha chimes in with a comment about it being loud and that she's hungry too. Well duhhhh, do something about it cunt, we're hungry too, hence the snacks. If she didn't think to bring any, WHOSE FAULT IS THAT? So at Wednesdays class, Thea asks us not to eat that night. I was stuffed but I had cookies in my bag that I wanted to eat out of spite and Jaime was fiending for her apple. So then Mebitcha's birdbrain friend feels the need to make a comment about how eating is "rude in Europe". I can see why Thea would find it distracting because we do sit in the front blah blah blah, but it's not like we're bringing in Sudanese take-out. The undertone of her comment was very hostile and petty and it felt like she'd been waiting to say something like that for a while. Earlier this year in class, another Argentinian girl, Annaliya, jumped down Jaime's throat after she made a joke about American bankers. She basically told us that we don't care about anything that doesn't involve our country and don't care about anyone else. I can understand why she feels that way, given the way we're portrayed in the media and with a bobble-head president like good ol' G. Dubbayah but I don't appreciate false generalizations/assumptions about my personal character; in the infamous words of T.I., YOU DON'T KNOW ME.

Last night Mayra, Jaime, and I decided to treat ourselves to dinner. We dined at a hip Mexican eatery, stuffing our faces with burritos, nachos, and RIBS and downing glasses of wine. Whenever we go to places, the employees always look so young (at the night club we went to in Rotterdamn, the door security guard was 17!!). Our waiter was cute and we jokingly assumed he was about 16. Turns out we weren't far off since he was 17! Stat was really nice and even gave us free margaritas and invited us to the pub next door after we ate, with his friend Uni-brow. There we enjoyed more free wine as well as unnecessary shots of tequila. We also encountered more people who were only interested in discussing politics and being anti-American. I will spare you much of the details but Uni even went as far as to tell Jaime that we deserved 9/11 then had the audacity to say he wanted to do an internship in Miami. He needs to not bring his fuckery to the US but he was aesthetically amusing and I will say that I haven't laughed as much as I did last night in too long!

I'm exhausted right now but am really excited that it's the weekend. I really want to get some rest but I have a strange feeling that won't happen, given the company i keep ;-p

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

So I celebrated my two month anniversary being in the Netherlands this weekend and had a blast doing so. I almost typed that it was the best time I'd had so far but I honestly cannot recall a weekend that I didn't love my entire stay here.

I was put off by the events of Friday morning but given that it was Halloween, I remained in high spirits throughout the day, even though I didn't have a break. We went into Amsterdam earlier than usual where we ate, changed and started drinking. Jaime and I were the cutest Indians this side of the pond and we owe many thanks to Jaime's rugrats for providing us with the costumes ;-p

[Excuse the pictures taken inside Lizzy's apartment.. I was already 1/2 in the bag]

The rest of my weekend was comparatively low-key, since all I did was have dinner at a delicious Thai restaurant and enjoy a lazy Sunday.

There's so much on my to-do list: I still have not written all or put postcards in the mail. I need to call my parents and figure out what my life will be for the holidays. Given the new relationships I've formed here, I'm sure I can find people to keep me company and at this point, I am not as apprehensive anymore about traveling alone. I still don't know what our trip will be for November, as we've flirted with the ideas of going to Milan and Germany and I may be joining Jaime's family for a trip to London. I can't believe I've already been here for 2 months.. it's definitely starting to feel like home.

Friday, October 31, 2008


I'm dripping with fatigue as I write this, but nothing can bring me down right now because it's finally Friday! This week hasn't been too bad but I'm so thankful for the next few days that I'll have to myself to do whatever I please. Here's an update on the kinderen:

Tijn conceded his status as my favorite to Niek. It's still pretty close but he had some problems listening this week and acting bratty and spoiled. He has made a strong showing lately and I still love him dearly.

Niek is my new favorite! He started saying several different versions of my name but it's really the cutest thing I've ever heard! He calls me O-Neen! Leen! Pretty much anything that sounds like Leen. He also used the potty for the first time this week and I'm so proud of him!

I've concluded that Pim is bulimic. Lately, he's had the tendency to stick toys down his throat causing him to vomit. This usually happens after he's been changed for bed and he usually gets it on whatever I'm wearing. He seems to be really sick, coughing (with his mouth open of course), runny nose, wheezing even. He hasn't slept very well at night this week and I hope he feels better. He gets cuter and stronger everyday and is making serious efforts to pull himself up now!

Lara is still the most difficult. Eline left for Lyon, France this morning to go shopping with her best friend. When I first got here, I resolved to letting Eline do Lara's hair because Lara was adamant about not wanting me to do it. This morning, she had no choice. After Thomas told her to come let me do her hair, Lara grabs the comb and hair elastics and runs towards the front door. I find her searching for a place to hide them, finally trying to stuff them through the mail slot. As I'm telling her not to do such things, she's swatting and trying to push past me. Then she starts crying for mama. Thomas shows up and apparently, although she was screaming for mama, she was really crying because "she wanted to do her hair inside". This annoys me because it wasn't true. As I walk by Thomas, my disdain for her crocodile tears and lie must have been evident in my expression because he tells me I should just talk to her and that "she's five and doesn't understand". I responded that there was nothing she didn't understand since Eline said bye before she left and she knew I'd be the one to have to do her hair. Lara is a very bright girl and deserves more credit. I feel like since she's able to conjure up tears at the drop of a dime, she's babied and I don't want to tolerate it. I don't think I should be the one reprimanded, nor should I have to always speak to her in a sugary sweet tone and baby her. She should know by now that she can't always get what she wants.

Tonight, Jaime and I are dressing up as Indians for Halloween. Seeing as how the holiday isn't as big of a deal here as it is in the U.S., I'm sure we're gonna stand out and it should be interesting....

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Congrats are in order...

Ok so I rarely make such frequent posts but I'd like all of you to share in my joyful ventures involving the substance that is poop! Warning, this post gets pretty graphic as I describe why poop is having the:

This morning I awoke to quite a delightful treat from the two babies, Niek and Pim. Although the kids are on vacation this week, Niek still has day care so I was up a little earlier to get him ready. He's two years old and sleeps in a crib that he shouldn't be able to get out of, but Lara helped him out today. Normally this would not be a problem but Niek's stomach must've felt the need to rebel because he took the most satanic shit I've ever seen! His entire pajama leg was covered in poo and little doo doo peas from last night's dinner were strewn all over his bedroom floor, the hallway, and the rooms of Tijn and Lara (apparently he didn't chew ANY of them). It was up his back, on his stomach and all over his legs. I had to give him a shower and I didn't escape without injury: I stepped on a lovely pile.. thank God for socks. Of course, he had the CUTEST, devilish grin on his face and I couldn't help but to laugh at how such a preposterous deuce could come out of such a cute & tiny human being.

Pim was not to be outdone. He decided to unleash some poo poo fury of his own. I knew it was gonna be something foul the minute I lifted him out of his eating chair. He too got it all over his clothes, his back, his stomach and even some on his legs. Again, I was in shock. Not only was he smiling all oblivious and cute, but he was apparently on an imaginary bicycle as I was changing him. I could do nothing but chuckle at the absurdity of the morning and be thankful that I genuinely love these kids!


Given the current economic state of the US, as well as numerous other countries, I try not to depress myself with watching too much news. Yes, I like to be informed but I'd like to enjoy my year here in Europe without thinking too much of the humongous pile of shit I will surely have to deal with upon returning home. I was just about to change the CNN channel after briefly listening to a report on Dutch monetary contributions to the ING, when a beautiful Black man popped up on the screen.

Not only was he easy on the eyes, but TJ Holmes is well-spoken and eloquent and not annoying so kudos to you, CNN, for doing something right! Definitely makes watching the news just a little bit more fun.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

titties & ass

Sooooo this weekend in Belgium was as usual, one of debauchery. Whenever people speak of Europe, they mention big-name places like France, Italy, Greece, Spain, etc. I hadn't heard much about Belgium but lemme clear things up: Belgium is the SHIT. I was pleasantly surprised at how beautiful and lively it was. Granted it was only the 2nd stop on my European tour but I found myself liking it in a much more different way from Amsterdam. Brussels was cozy, welcoming, and easy to navigate. We ate at the most scrumptious Thai restaurant, where despite a brief toothache, I wanted to gobble up everythinggggg in site. Seated next to us were two homosexuals who were kind and ordered the girliest drinks possible (in their defense, they did look good). One was from Cameroon and an had inspirational story to tell about the backlash he faced for his sexuality while there (he even did time in prison!. If I can find his card that he gave us, I'll post the link here but anyway, he was very at home in Brussels, which goes to show its vast appeals. We visited a few bars that night where we were solicited by the usual, "No Thank Yous", but kudos to Mayra for bagging a debonair Swede! I don't know if his English was any good but the only language you need is love.. and handsomeness.

We ran into an older man who had his pants buckled above his belly-button who played the role of ASSHOLE to the tee. He got into it with Jaime, calling her profanities when all we were trying to do was order (and by order I mean steal... whoops) a drink from the bar (his actually haha). He was taking up about 3 yards of bar space and would not budge. I tried to speak to him civilly but then he told me to shut-up and all that dissipated. All I remember is knocking down his drink and then grabbing another drink and throwing it at his backside as we walked away. Bitchy move that could have resulted in me getting my ass kicked but you will not speak to me that way.

The next day we shopped around Brussels where I made my most favorite Euro-purchase to date: the most beautiful jacket ever that I named Lisa. We fell madly in love with each other in the store and I had no choice but to buy her. We then traveled by train to Antwerp where we showered, recharged and changed into sluttier gear.

Perhaps that would explain why I was approached by some strange man outside of our hotel who after a brief inquiry about my stay in Europe, asked if I'd ever considered being an escort. Ummmmm cuz I spent 4 years earning degrees to come whore myself out in Europe. Thanks but no thanks. We ended up meeting a really cool Brazilian chick named Natalia who took us to a huge nightclub called Noxx where tequila & vodka Red bulls flowed like water and stripper poles lined the dance floor. GOOD TIMES. We spent the next day taking in the scenery and eating delicious Vietnamese food for lunch and Greek food for dinner. Though I was near death with exhaustion, Belgium was worth it for sure.