Friday, March 27, 2009

Let's Fighting Love!

I love South Park.

So today is Friday.. woo hoo!!! I feel like I haven't gone out in TOO long so hopefully I will be able to make up for it this weekend. Things are going well. I'm still in love with the kids. This morning, Tijn gave me one of his lion kisses (him licking my cheek) which I have really missed and Pim has been giving me open-mouthed kisses all morning. It's kinda gross since he's sick and has been producing inexplicable amounts of snot but he's my little rock star and I don't mind.

The weather has been crap the last few days, as has been my health. However, today is GORGEOUS and I'm feeling much better! I was quite homesick this week as well as physically feeling like crap and wanting to be in bed all day. Nonetheless, I'm glad I pushed myself and that the week is overrrrrrr. Bring on Haarlem, Amsterdam and the beach, weather permitting.

Happy birthday kiki! (March 24th)
Happy birthday Panda Bear!!!! Love and miss you soooooooo much! (March 25th) Go wild and crazy this weekend honey bunny! I'll be taking shots in your name <3

Friday, March 20, 2009

you obviously haven't read my MySpace so how can you even pretend to know me?

I have been singing the internal playlist that plays endlessly in my head all dayyyyy and I have to say- I'm not hatin it. I'm no Celine or Christina but give me a good lace-front weave, personal trainer, and a voice synthesizer and I could be the next big thing. Not a big Beyonce/Sasha Fierce/whoever she is today fan but I love that halo song.. it's a lot less extra than her other shit (seriously, who does she think she is with that "Diva" song? Am I the only one who thinks she's trying way too damn hard?). I'm also getting more into Dutch music and currently love the song, "Skud Skuddem". GOOGLE IT.

I wish people from home would be on their computers when I am, HINT HINT*

I can't believe it's been almost 7 months since I've been out here. Sometimes it feels like time is creeping by but in actuality it's going so fast. Pretty soon I'll have to start making concrete decisions for my future, or something like that. Does it make sense that I haven't been feeling like myself lately, yet I feel the most like myself that I have in a while? I can't put my finger on it exactly but I feel like I finally have myself figured out. Granted, I still don't have the rest of my life completely figured out but I have figured out but I'm content with where I am and have my priorities in better order. I've sensed my maturity levels rising and me being less concerned/interested in things that used to consume my life. I'm not gonna say that I found myself because I was never really lost, but it's a lot clearer to me now the kind of person I am and want to continue to be and also the kind of people I want to surround myself with.

I have not had chicken wings in too long! I miss my mom's cooking and if I have one more sandwich, I might lose my friggin mind!

The next door neighbor is playing his piano and it sounds absolutely beautiful. I wish I was musically inclined, besides my phenomenal singing voice. I started to teach myself the piano but I could only play by ear and really didn't have the patience at the time. I wish the family had a piano. If I can't break into the music business as an entertainer, I could rely on my numb-chucking and songwriting skills.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Way too much has happened in the weeks that I've been computerless. I won't even begin to try and go into detail but I'll sum it up by saying it's been great fun and when I find the time to upload pictures, I'll let them do the talking.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

computerless & dying.

the title says it all.
It's been TWO WEEKS.
I don't think I have the strength to go on.