Friday, July 3, 2009

i went missing in the month of June.

Soooooo I haven't updated this thing in over a month!I had every intention of posting but as my last few weeks wind down and the weather is warmer, my schedule just keeps getting more hectic. I am so excited to be going HOME! Of course I don't regret coming here although there are some things I would've done differently but I need the following things in my life:

*STAMFORD Mall/shopping & Alive @ 5
*My family
*Driving.. I am soooooo over biking!
*Getting my hair/naps & nails done!
*Cheesecake Factory
*NYC- where I will search incessantly for a Wok to Walk
*English as the national language (if you don't count Spanish of course)
*P.F. Changs or my favorite Chinese spot in my town
*THAI food at my favorite spot in New Haven

the list could go on for days but most of what I can't wait to do involves eating so I'll spare you. Although I can't wait to see anyone, I'm am NOT looking forward to answering the same questions 4959848595083 times. My friend gave me a brilliant idea- I'm going to make flyers and just pass them out to everyone.

I'm also not looking forward to packing. I brought a shitload of things with me over here and I've accumulated probably triple that amount in my time here. Good thing I'm only allowed 2 suitcases. Luckily, I am only going to be home for 2 weeks before coming back out here for another 4 months! In that time I'd like to further explore the option of finding a more career-oriented job or the possibility of going back to school. I recently found out that me finding a job here really isn't as easy as I'd thought so I'm definitely leaning more towards schooling. I'm also excited to travel and see more of the places I haven't yet gotten to go too. I'll be out here from July 29th-November 24th so if you're planning any trips, let me know and maybe we can meet up!!!

I'm still really happy with life. Naturally, I still have some frustrations but the thought of almost being done is very comforting. I still can't believe that I've been here for over 10 months. I've made so many memories and the year really flew by. These past few days and future week or so will surely crawl by (except for the weekends).

Speaking of weekends, some friends of mine from Romania are visiting and I'm really excited to show them around Amsterdam and to party! Next week I'm going to two concerts (Lil Wayne and Tracy Chapman) and spending quality time with the people I care most about here. I'm gonna miss everyone but I'm so so happy I'm coming back so it's really not good bye.

More later... and hopefully not in a month

Monday, June 8, 2009


...and I'm thrilled about it. Not so much the part about leaving but now that I'm almost positive I'll be coming back, it doesn't bother me as much. I'm just happy to almost be doneeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Don't get me wrong, I'd make the decision to come out here again but would've done things a lot differently. Knowing what I do now and how the experience went, I would've gotten some things cleared up/made binding agreements with my host parents from day 1. I also wouldn't have agreed to do it for so long and I would've looked into finding a way to live on my own. I think that would have made all the difference. I really love the kids and watching them grow and develop as well as all the things I got to do made it worth it but I would never want to do it again. I'm really happy I didn't agree to stay until the end of August.

In other aspects of my life, things are going well. Still having fun with my friends. I spent the weekend in Hellevoetsluis/Rotterdam with my male friend, seeing the Cube Houses, doing some shopping, having a wonderful dinner and bar hopping. It was loads of fun and as usual, I was super sad the weekend ended and I had to come back. I wish weekends were longer or I had the power to stop time/fast forward through the not so pleasant ones.

Monday, May 25, 2009

super happy.

The past week has been outrageously super for me. I got to spend time with Lizzy, going to the movies and catching up on all the juicy details of our lives. I also had Thursday and Friday off so I ventured out to the Hellevoetsluis island area of Holland, to see my friend's new place as well as enjoy a few days of beach and relaxation. It was gorgeous weather, good company and sweet times.

I didn't get much sleep last night and intended to nap during any time off I had today and though that didn't happen, I'm not upset at all about it. I spent my morning at the beach reading a magazine, playing in the sea, getting sand in all my crevices, and having good conversation with Eline. We came home and had a relaxing afternoon of playing. But today was extra special for me because after dinner I got to play with Lara, Niek and Tijn and it was so much fun! Of course they all wanted to be spun around and tickled and normally I wouldn't do it because it winds them up before bed but they had the biggest smiles and even though Lara and Tijn had to take baths, she jumped into my arms and was begging for me to go with her. She gave me the biggest hug and let me hug her back which hasn't happened before and it really made me feel good. She's the one I've felt the least close too on account of us having less time to bond (she plays a lot with friends and has all kinds of lessons) so it really made me happy to see that I was making her as happy as I was.

This week I intend to devote more time to making concrete plans to stay and will hopefully have an update in the upcoming days. Now, it's time for bed. Night!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

bring on the weekend.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I have to settle for screaming in writing since I can't exactly scream out-loud.

Sometimes I get so frustrated then I'm frustrated with myself for letting myself get frustrated! I tell myself to stop whining and focus on the positives but putting up with the same shit on an almost daily basis really works my nerves.

I really love being here and all but it's times like these where I can't wait to not have to put up with stuff anymore. I can't wait to have a job where break times are followed and respected and I don't have to feel guilty for taking them! I can't wait to not have to make small talk when I don't feel like talking or having to pretend I'm okay with things to spare the feelings of others cuz God forbid I say anything negative. I'm so tired of always being the last to be considered when things are planned or when I finally make plans of my own. But most of all, I'm sick of the empty apologies because the same shit continues to happen. Sometimes I feel forced to leave just to make use of my break time! I feel like if I don't have concrete plans, I'll be asked to stay and though I love what I do, sometimes I just want a moment to myself! I HATE feeling like I'm being taken advantage of. Either way doesn't matter cuz even if I do have plans, they're less important than playing, grocery shopping, and basically everything else.

I'm sure I'll be over this by tonight but it's really annoying. Guess it doesn't help that I'm on my period & it's only Tuesday.

Monday, May 18, 2009

I quit.

Just when I think I have it together, I go and do something completely outrageous and over the top. Yes, alcohol is always to blame but I think my latest shenanigan takes the cake!

So I spent a relaxing, quiet evening at home Friday night as well as relaxed and hit the gym on Saturday. Then I decided to head into town for a few drinks. I'm doing my usual tequila & white wine combination, feeling good and having a good time. I found myself feeling so tired and out of it after staying until the bar closed and grabbing food that I figured taking a bus home would be the best idea. Sounds rational, right? WRONG. It would be had I a)gotten on the right bus and b)not fallen asleep! I awoke around 7:30 AM dazed and confused, concluding that I'd been on the bus sleeping for hours! I must have been a sight as I emerged from my coma but luckily the two people around me found it funny and helped me collect my wits.

my life really, truly is stupid.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Note to Self: Don't bike with your mouth open.

Yeaaaaaaaaa. DON'T. Else bugs fly in. Luckily it hasn't happened to me yet but I did watch a girl almost crash her bike after it happened to her. In true bitch form, I laughed. Which means I'm not to open my mouth EVER whilst riding Betty.

Although it's Friday night I'm sitting in front of my computer with no intention of going out tonight, and maybe not even at all this weekend. Why you ask? I'm EXHAUSTED! These past few weeks have been such a chaotic whirlwind and I feel so drained. Nonetheless, I wouldn't have it any other way because I had so much fun!

First there was Queen's Day and Queen's Weekend which I already discussed. May 5th was Liberation Day in Holland and I celebrated that by going into Amsterdam with Lizzy. We saw some cool outdoor concerts and went to an awesome tent party filled with hot guys and delicious finger food. Kijkt naar beneden:

Two days later I left for London, where I was joined by my fabulous sister, our Romanian friend Andreea whom we met in Barcelona and a friend of hers named Angie. We had a fantastic time enjoying the sights and nightlife and drinking our lives away. I have not laughed as hard as I did in quite some time. I'm so happy I got to see my sister again and saying goodbye was a little less painful than last time. But only a little. More pics on facebook:

My fun-o-meter is on overload so a quiet weekend is just what I need.

I've decided that I only want to be home for about 2 weeks before flying back out here. I don't care what it is that I'm doing, so long as I'm here. I love the states, my family and friends but I'm just not nearly done with Europe. There's still so much I need to see and do and I have no desire to break relations with the people I've grown to love. I also have no desire to pack ;-p

I really can't complain about life at all at the moment. I love Holland, I love being able to travel, I love the friends I've made and I really feel content. But right now, my bed is calling me and I must answer. Tot the volgende keer!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I like four things in life: girls, tequila, beer & cocaine!

So the past few weeks here have been pretty hectic. Last Thursday, April 30th, was Queen's Day in Holland and my was it crazy! The festivities started last Wednesday and I swore it felt like Spring Weekend at UCONN all over again except on a much bigger level. It's hard to sum it up with words so I'll just post some pictures but I will say that the blog title was just one of the many randomly hysterical lines I heard :-)

These aren't nearly all of the pictures but I don't have that kind of time. Most of you are friends with me on facebook so you can see more there.

In other news, life is not sucking at all at the moment. Things are going well with the family and since the kiddies are on school vacation I get to spend more time with them. Queen's Day was a blast and tonight I'm going back into Amsterdam to celebrate Liberation Day. Then one more day of work and finally off to reunite with Damaly and Andreea (our awesome Romanian friend from Barcelona) in London! Can't wait to see all the sights and to butcher the accent!

Speaking of the English, I met this really wonderful guy a little over a month ago with whom I've been spending quite some time and have grown to really like. Unfortunately, he's moving about an hour by train away from me, which I knew from the beginning but as his moving day draws nearer, I'm a bit sad about it. I know it's not that far and we'll still see each other but the 15-minute bike ride apart we were before was much more convenient. This is nothing compared to the thousands of miles from the people I've grown to love and care about for a year, I'll be away from come July 14th. I am legit dreading that day.

I have some serious split ends I really need to get taken care of as well of a pile of postcards I never wrote/sent out (sorry!).

I'm reading the book, "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" and though I haven't gotten too far in it (I only have time to read at the gym and I haven't been since some time last week) I'm really enjoying it and trying to incorporate many of the methods into my everyday life.

That's all I have to say for now so I'll leave you with a bunch of pictures that basically sum up the past few weeks:

Monday, April 20, 2009

so wait, eventually I'm gonna have to leave Holland?!?!

Jaime left to return to the U.S. today. I'm comforted by the fact that I will see her again when I go back home since we live only 45 minutes apart but I'm still sad that she left. Watching everyone say their goodbyes this weekend really pulled heavy on my heart strings. I hate seeing people I care about and love upset and I kept thinking about how I'm going to have to do the same thing in a few short months. Honestly, leaving will be the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. Watching the kids grow up and spending so much time with them has really made me love them. All day I've been been staring at Niek and Pim, giving them as many hugs and kisses as I can and getting teary-eyed when I think about not seeing them everyday anymore. I will cry right now if I keep thinking about it so I'll stop.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

What's the difference between jam and jelly?

The answer to that question is all kinds of inappropriate.

Anyway, this past week has been one of the best ones I've had in a while! The weather has been absolutely beautiful which really does seem to change everyone's mood. The kids have been phenomenal and I am so proud to report that Pim took his first steps this week! I was home with him and Niek and as usual Pim was trying to play with something he shouldn't have been. I picked him up and put him on his feet near his toys when he just stood their upright for about ten seconds! I'd never seen him do this before and I wanted to take my phone out and take a picture/video but I was afraid that any movement I made would distract him. While I was pondering my dilemna, he took 3 STEPS towards me!!!! I started jumping up and down and called Eline. He looked so happy.. it was the cutest thing I'd ever seen and I almost cried. I really love that little boy. I have no idea how I'm going to leave these kids. It hurts me to even think about it.

I booked my flight to London and cannot wait to see Damaly again and our Romanian friend Andreea, whom we met in Barcelona. I've also been in contact with the University of Amsterdam to explore my options to study out here. I'd been toying with the idea of doing that for quite some time but I never really sat down and thought about it. Of course I miss everyone from home but I really do love it out here but I hadn't really had the chance to really think about it. That or I'd start thinking about it when I'm out with people, where my quietness was often mistaken for unhappiness. Sometimes I really wish that people wouldn't try to find me when I'm lost in thought.

I wish all bathroom floors were automatically heated. I want to marry James Morrison & his voice. Lizzy and I are going to a Lil Wheezy concert in July before I leave and I'm so excited! There's an Indonesian place in the center that I've been fantasizing about all week but I have no desire to bike in and get it. I'm going to go upstairs and work on my Dutch instead. Tot de volgende keer!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Oost, West.. Thuis Best

Although I'm loving my time here in Holland, I'm happy to report that I'll be back in the Connecticut area on July 14th! I can't wait to see my friends and family and make the most of the rest of the summer since I plan to return to Europe in late August/early September. I'm not sure what exactly I'll be doing but I know I'm not done with Holland just yet.

Things with the family have been going well. The kids get sweeter and sweeter everyday and whenever I think about having basically three months left here with them, I feel an overwhelming sadness. I'm going to be really sad to leave the family as well as all the wonderful people I've met on this journey but I console myself with the thought that I shall soon return. The plan is to have my ticket back here booked before I leave because I know if I try to book it from home, chances are I won't.

I'm not exactly sure what it is I'm gonna do here. I'd love to go to school but I'm not sure I can afford to start as early as September. I have been in touch with a few universities here and will keep you updated. If school is not an option, I can try to find work. Being employed looks a lot more promising here than in the states and my host-father said he'd help me find housing which is greatly appreciated.

My sister is joining me in London on the 7th of May and I'm sooooo excited! I was happy just to see her once but knowing I'll get to see her again is making my life! She really is the best :-)

That's enough for now. Wheezy, out.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Let's Fighting Love!

I love South Park.

So today is Friday.. woo hoo!!! I feel like I haven't gone out in TOO long so hopefully I will be able to make up for it this weekend. Things are going well. I'm still in love with the kids. This morning, Tijn gave me one of his lion kisses (him licking my cheek) which I have really missed and Pim has been giving me open-mouthed kisses all morning. It's kinda gross since he's sick and has been producing inexplicable amounts of snot but he's my little rock star and I don't mind.

The weather has been crap the last few days, as has been my health. However, today is GORGEOUS and I'm feeling much better! I was quite homesick this week as well as physically feeling like crap and wanting to be in bed all day. Nonetheless, I'm glad I pushed myself and that the week is overrrrrrr. Bring on Haarlem, Amsterdam and the beach, weather permitting.

Happy birthday kiki! (March 24th)
Happy birthday Panda Bear!!!! Love and miss you soooooooo much! (March 25th) Go wild and crazy this weekend honey bunny! I'll be taking shots in your name <3

Friday, March 20, 2009

you obviously haven't read my MySpace so how can you even pretend to know me?

I have been singing the internal playlist that plays endlessly in my head all dayyyyy and I have to say- I'm not hatin it. I'm no Celine or Christina but give me a good lace-front weave, personal trainer, and a voice synthesizer and I could be the next big thing. Not a big Beyonce/Sasha Fierce/whoever she is today fan but I love that halo song.. it's a lot less extra than her other shit (seriously, who does she think she is with that "Diva" song? Am I the only one who thinks she's trying way too damn hard?). I'm also getting more into Dutch music and currently love the song, "Skud Skuddem". GOOGLE IT.

I wish people from home would be on their computers when I am, HINT HINT*

I can't believe it's been almost 7 months since I've been out here. Sometimes it feels like time is creeping by but in actuality it's going so fast. Pretty soon I'll have to start making concrete decisions for my future, or something like that. Does it make sense that I haven't been feeling like myself lately, yet I feel the most like myself that I have in a while? I can't put my finger on it exactly but I feel like I finally have myself figured out. Granted, I still don't have the rest of my life completely figured out but I have figured out but I'm content with where I am and have my priorities in better order. I've sensed my maturity levels rising and me being less concerned/interested in things that used to consume my life. I'm not gonna say that I found myself because I was never really lost, but it's a lot clearer to me now the kind of person I am and want to continue to be and also the kind of people I want to surround myself with.

I have not had chicken wings in too long! I miss my mom's cooking and if I have one more sandwich, I might lose my friggin mind!

The next door neighbor is playing his piano and it sounds absolutely beautiful. I wish I was musically inclined, besides my phenomenal singing voice. I started to teach myself the piano but I could only play by ear and really didn't have the patience at the time. I wish the family had a piano. If I can't break into the music business as an entertainer, I could rely on my numb-chucking and songwriting skills.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Way too much has happened in the weeks that I've been computerless. I won't even begin to try and go into detail but I'll sum it up by saying it's been great fun and when I find the time to upload pictures, I'll let them do the talking.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

computerless & dying.

the title says it all.
It's been TWO WEEKS.
I don't think I have the strength to go on.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

good vibrations..*

I'm in a particularly good mood and have been all week so I'll share my moment of joy with all you fascinated readers! I can't pinpoint any one reason to explain my happiness but I just feel like I'm finally in a place in my life where I'm comfortable and content. I haven't been letting anything get me down and have really put a positive attitude in full effect. Corny as it sounds, it really does work. Moments of frustration have been almost non-existent this week and I'm really just in a good place.

My time with the kids has been amazing; I had a pretty relaxing weekend and have been getting a lot of rest each day which really helps with my enthusiasm and energy. I'm really excited about tomorrow because I get to spend most of it with Pim! The family leaves for Switzerland Friday and everything still needs to be packed. Pimmy loves going for walks so I'm actually looking forward to spending time with him. I just hope it's nice weather. He's getting so much better at walking and has been in such a fantastic mood! He's such a sweet little baby.

Niek packed a suitcase full of toys to take with him last night and he's been carrying it around with him ever since! It's so cute because I think it weighs more than him and when he runs to try and keep up with the others, he struggles so much. For such a tiny kid with small hands, he manages to come downstairs every morning with about 15 dinos. I love him.

Lara had trouble sleeping about a month ago while I was babysitting so I let her come look at pictures on my computer. That wasn't the best idea because now she wants to do it all the time, but I find it quite nice. It's one of the few times we get to spend alone together and she'll sit on my lap and point out the pictures she thinks are funny. She even lets me tuck her in after which I also enjoy :-)

Tijn, Tijn, Tijn. I really love him a lot. He has this cute little baby voice he does, where he'll speak about himself in the third person. He will randomly come sit on my lap, give me a hug, or give me a kiss and I always wanna hold him and never let go. He is the absolute sweetest.

I'm really happy with the way things are going for me right now. I love my home environment. Thomas and Eline are really sweet and I look forward to our dinnertime conversations. I can talk to them about my day, my US home-life, anything and I think that really helps me to not be homesick. I really feel like they care about me and want me to be happy (THIS IS THE SAPPIEST POST EVER) but I really do feel lucky because I lucked out with this family; it doesn't always work out this way.

In other news, my parents are in the process of adopting a niece of mine from Haiti. I think it's wonderful cuz she's Matt's age and now he'll have someone to play with. Also, if I really do end up staying here, I'll be comforted knowing that he won't be alone. I miss him.

vanavond, slaap lekker!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

hey, is your vagina clean?

So I can't believe how marvelous Barcelona was. My post post title ins one of the many hysterical quotes from the vacation. I had such an amazing time with my sister, met the most amazing people and did insane amounts of partying. It was in all seriousness, the best vacation I've ever had and my only wish was that it could've lasted longer.

Damaly arrived on Thursday morning and we were so happy to see each other, that we actually shed tears (if you know us, you know they're rare). We then went straight to Amsterdam with Lizzy where we cleaned up then hit the shops! There were all sorts of sales and I took her to Wok to Walk which is hands-down, my favorite place to eat. That night we went out in Amsterdam to some anti-fashion party before waking Friday morning to start our true journey to Barcelona!!! We flew out of Dusseldorff, Germany and arrived in Barcelona around 3:30 PM. The weather was surprisingly warm and my heavy winter jacket was completely unnecessary. We stayed at Kabul Hostel which was fantastic! They made up for the lack of outlets in the rooms with an insanely fun lounge area that had all the characteristics of a bar. We met the most wonderful Romanian girl named Andreea, because she too was searching the hostel for an outlet (we found each other in the laundry room where we tried to unplug a machine so we could plug in our flat irons; it didn't fit so we unplugged a vending machine instead).

Showing is better than telling so I won't bore you with too many details but I will say that Barcelona is definitely the type of place I'd love to visit several more times, if not live there. Besides gross Spanish men grabbing my ass, it's a beautiful city with so much to see and do.

The day after we got back was my 23rd birthday! Ewwwwwww, I'm getting soooo old! I spent the day showing my sister around my neighborhood and introducing her to my peoples. The family was kind enough to get me some birthday gifts and the kids were so sweet and cute.. Damaly definitely fell in love. We then ventured out into Haarlem where we met up with all the girls and I proceeded to get RIDICULOUSLY drunk. How drunk you ask? Drunk enough to pass out on the toilet, forcing an employee to come take the doors off the hinges since I wasn't responding to the banging. I remember taking a cab home but I don't remember falling asleep in front of my front door while Damaly slept in the bakfiets (it's a popular bike here with a big wooden basket meant for transporting children). Anyidrankwaytoomuch, we awoke at 530 AM, trying in vain to get the door open. We eventually had to ring the bell and my host family was not happy. I ended up sleeping until 10:30 which was also frowned upon before having to bring Damaly to the airport. Sad face for days. I miss her so much already. Having her here really made my life and I'm extremely grateful that she was able to come.

Things with the family are going great. I had great conversations with Thomas and Eline about how things were going and improvements that could be made on both ends. I don't think I'll be joining them to Switzerland anymore because it would be a good time to finally see different places in Holland as well as have some more time to myself. The kids are doing well; they're so sweet and so cute and I really do enjoy spending time with them.