Friday, May 15, 2009

Note to Self: Don't bike with your mouth open.

Yeaaaaaaaaa. DON'T. Else bugs fly in. Luckily it hasn't happened to me yet but I did watch a girl almost crash her bike after it happened to her. In true bitch form, I laughed. Which means I'm not to open my mouth EVER whilst riding Betty.

Although it's Friday night I'm sitting in front of my computer with no intention of going out tonight, and maybe not even at all this weekend. Why you ask? I'm EXHAUSTED! These past few weeks have been such a chaotic whirlwind and I feel so drained. Nonetheless, I wouldn't have it any other way because I had so much fun!

First there was Queen's Day and Queen's Weekend which I already discussed. May 5th was Liberation Day in Holland and I celebrated that by going into Amsterdam with Lizzy. We saw some cool outdoor concerts and went to an awesome tent party filled with hot guys and delicious finger food. Kijkt naar beneden:

Two days later I left for London, where I was joined by my fabulous sister, our Romanian friend Andreea whom we met in Barcelona and a friend of hers named Angie. We had a fantastic time enjoying the sights and nightlife and drinking our lives away. I have not laughed as hard as I did in quite some time. I'm so happy I got to see my sister again and saying goodbye was a little less painful than last time. But only a little. More pics on facebook:

My fun-o-meter is on overload so a quiet weekend is just what I need.

I've decided that I only want to be home for about 2 weeks before flying back out here. I don't care what it is that I'm doing, so long as I'm here. I love the states, my family and friends but I'm just not nearly done with Europe. There's still so much I need to see and do and I have no desire to break relations with the people I've grown to love. I also have no desire to pack ;-p

I really can't complain about life at all at the moment. I love Holland, I love being able to travel, I love the friends I've made and I really feel content. But right now, my bed is calling me and I must answer. Tot the volgende keer!