Monday, April 5, 2010

I've put a spell on you & now you're mine..

I love that people are actually reading this! Here I thought this was just a way to keep myself entertained but within this past week, I've had several people tell me they couldn't access my blog anymore because I changed the domain name.. I even had people know things I hadn't personally told them from reading it on here! It makes me happy to know that I've managed to seduce your interests through my constant solicitation on popular social networks and that you're interested! It's a marvelous way for me to express myself and keep in touch so thank you, thank you for your support! Also, a massive THANK YOU for the encouragement on my goals, particularly my novel.. really means a lot to me and can't wait to see most of you when I'm home in a few weeks!

Keep on dreamin'
Darline <3

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I've always maintained that I'm insane

... & true genius is insanity.

I've been using all this free time I have to unleash my creative side and I'm going to indulge in a moment of vanity and say that I'm creating artistic masterpieces!

That may be overzealous of me but I did accomplish some things that I'm really proud of, namely the latest Wii characters I've created. They are all kinds of glamourous, culturally diverse and super athletic (Tubby Timmy is surprisingly agile). I also found an old Disney coloring book and I colored the crap out of Cinderella, Belle, and Snow White. They're all Black in my version though.

I am now also officially a composer. Perhaps it was playing around with GarageBand that inspired me but I decided to try my luck on an actual keyboard. Granted, the song is mainly comprised of about 4 actual chords (I'm not even precisely sure which exactly, I'm playing by ear) and lots of improv but I like the melody and what I'm singing about. When I perfect it, make it a little less basic, and work up my confidence, I'll post it. Til then I'll leave you with my horrible rendition of Yael Naim's "New Soul". I'll warn you that it's AWFUL so click play at your own risk!

I tweaked my book idea a bit and I like the way it's coming along. Of course it's a rough draft so there will surely be differences in the final product but hopefully not many. I tend to like the direction I take and my writing flow when I'm excitedly writing about something for the first time. I sent my first chapter to a friend of mine who's brother is an editor and she described it as being, "snarky, intelligent, charming, and wildly inappropriate". In other words, it's perfect!

Speaking of tooting my own horn, that reminds me of Lady Gaga. I came across this video which cracks me up! The dance montage around the 8 minute mark and the man with the tin can hat made my day! I'm hoping that these people weren't serious about all that praise.. her music is catchy and she's definitely entertaining but she doesn't speak to my soul. I lament over the fact that some people draw comparisons of her to Michael Jackson.. he made Thriller man, Thriller!  She's an egotistical, pseudo-intellectual and I'll never believe that her persona is who she really is, rather it's a way of life that garnered her the fame she constantly speaks of and now she has no choice but to uphold and out-do her displays of "art" in order to keep the people in a Goo Goo Gaga trance. She's a genius without actually being insane- she just plays her character very well and I damn sure can't knock her hustle!

Anyway, this made me laugh so enjoy:

Friday, April 2, 2010

back, back, forth & forth

It's Friday and I'm ready to swing, 
pick up my girls and hit the party scene
tonight... oh ohhhhh it's alright ummmmmm.

Amici, Buongiorno! A little throwback Aaliyah to kick off this gorgeous weekend and express the wonderful mood I'm in!

Mic went home to Siciliy for Easter weekend, leaving me here alone to bask in my craziness and debauchery. He's only been gone since last night and I've already managed to get into a near fist-fight with the newspaper delivery people (they squeeze about 324 pamphlets through our slot even though I've added a sign that says NEE to receiving them), take about four thousand pictures on iPhoto, polish off the rest of our wine, and get into a skirmish with one of the neighborhood cats. FYI, He started it.. our door being was not an open invitation for him to come in and make himself comfy on the couch! He even had the audacity to hiss when I tried to get him down which is when I had to use the mop handle to prod him out (Sorry PETA, but I didn't wanna touch him, he had crazy eyes!). It was cold outside, but you don't live here, puss! It's strange to be alone but, Tim Gunn voice, I'm making it work.

I've been fortunate enough to have great friends & family keeping me company on Gmail and Skype, while I keep them from doing silly things like working or enjoying their youth outdoors instead of staring at my unkept hair and protruding collarbones onscreen. But then again, I have the pleasure of seeing them in their undergarments *cough cough Anthony cough*. I've also downloaded a few movies to watch to pass the time if necessary, Memento, Leon and A Clockwork Orange just to name a few.

I had a hard time sleeping last night and found myself awake and feeling refreshed at 6 AM. I wish this was the case when I used to work at the UCONN Recreational Facility and had to be up at this horrific hour. I felt inspired to write so I continued working on my book about long distance relationships and I think I can get through the first chapter by today (Marjorie, expect an email with an attachment from me by the end of this weekend, also with the poetry you requested!). After a bit of that, I decided it was time to pay back our neighbors for the loud, obnoxious music they've been blasting and the way they've been trodding above us like horses, by practicing piano (really just banging on the keys) and screeching like a wild banshee singing.

Following that, I brushed up on my I-talian so I can impress Mic when he gets back. Sono intelligente e un assaggio ti dice che le olive sono maturate di fronte ad una cattedrale. I think he'll be impressed, as I'm sure you all are.

I'm updating my brother Matt & Mama on my life via Skype now, and after that I'm going to get my Martha Stewart on by clearing out the mess that is our garden in preparation for the upcoming warm season. It'll be relaxing to do some writing in the sun and Mic has been completely supportive of me becoming an artist (Madrid's Thyssen Museum touched my soul) so I'd like to buy an easel and frolick in paint on the weekends. My sister Damaly, is actually very talented in this department and I think it may be in our genes (tell me is there anymore room for me, in those jeans..)

By then my favorite Dutchie Lizzy will be here to wreak havoc on my life! Sidenote: Mic just called me to rub in the fact that he's laying on a beach in Sicily right now in 80 degree weather *#*&$&^$&!!!! Come on Spring, come on SUMMER!

Ciao for now, ciglia sul volto di asini!

A few hours later..

Mic just sent me something that made my life.. Seriously though, TIP OVER and CAPSIZE?