Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Most needy least greedy most grateful least hateful

Thanksgiving at home was truly wonderful. It was so good to see my family and friends who I've missed so much. It was so good to drive and be in cars rather than having a wet crotch from biking in the rain here. It was so good to eat my mom's cooking and enjoy the eateries I love from home that I can't find here. It was good to watch American tv and DVR things to watch with my family. It was good to have no worries other than where I wanna shop that day (love being paid in euro!). It was great to hug and kiss all the people I love with all my heart and who love me unconditionally. It really hit me how much I've missed home. It hurt me to leave so soon and the only thing that helps is that I came back to my summertime. I really want to make it a point to go home as often as possible. Even if it's only for long weekends. I'll have some extra vacation days to use next year and though we have other trips planned, I can't think of a better way to use the days.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

you look like you've been for breakfast at the heartbreak hotel..

I find myself spending less and less time in front of a computer when I'm not at work so chances are this blog will be updated even less often than usual.

What's new with me? I started a new job a few months ago and I'm enjoying it thus far. I like what I'm doing and despite the commute, I'm usually happy to go to work. It's been a huge adjustment to make with long days and I'm often tired but I love checking my bank account on the 25th of every month, CHA-CHING!

I'm super excited to be coming home on the 19th of November! I haven't been home since my grandmother passed away last January. I miss everyone terribly. It's hard to be here sometimes and as much as I can't wait to see everyone, I'm also very nervous. Whenever I come home, everyone looks so different.. Matt gets bigger each time, my parents look aged and my grandparents seem more frail. It's depressing and really heartbreaking. It's definitely the worst thing about being so far away but I've promised myself that I will aim to go home at least 3 times a year and to spend as much quality time with my family as possible. I'm not sure where this morbid mood is coming from but I don't want to be one of those people who regret not spending more time with the people they love when they pass away. I don't even want to think of that and selfishly, I hope I go before anyone I love.

But it'll be great to see everyone for one of my favorite holidays and of course Black Friday! There is so much I want to do while home and I hope I have time to do it all. There are so many people I want to see, so many of my favorite eateries to hit up, so much Cafe Patron to drink, my hair, toes & nails to get done by true professionals and so many hugs to give. I really feel like I need to get away from here. I haven't felt like myself here for a long time until recently and it's nice to have a bit more of me back.

Anyway, I really like the artist below. Easy listening music that matches my current mood:

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I am the one writing my story...

Sadly, I'm writing in pen and can't erase my mistakes.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

i should just give up

It seems like my hiatuses from updating this keep getting longer and longer but I won't give up just yet!
The warmer weather has done wonders for my mood. I finished and passed my course and Tenerife was amazingly beautiful. I got to experience being on a volcano and black sand beaches. It was really a terrific trip and here are just a few pictures. You can find the rest on Facebook.

Anyway, just wanted to check in briefly for the 1.8 people who still read this. With gchat and gvideo, I've been able to stay in touch with everyone really but I won't get rid of this just yet!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

this right here I swear will end too soon..

Life is too short.

I am the absolute WORST at keeping this thing updated! I have an early morning and I'm trying to get at least 7 hours of sleep tonight so this will be short.

Things with me are going swimmingly. I'm working hard but finding time to enjoy life and the improving weather. I'm taking a course that's kicking my assp-aragus but it's worth it and I'm always up for a challenge.

Margo is getting so big! She officially became a woman this weekend, as she was in heat. I've never experienced it before but I felt so badly for her! She was very uncomfortable and meowing like crazy. She was sticking her butt in the air all day long and begging to go outside. Had we obliged her, I'm sure she would've came back pregnant. Slut. But thankfully it's over and we'll take her to the vet soon to be spayed.

Next week, Mic and I will venture to the Canary Island of Tenerife! We're both so excited to hit the beautiful beaches, experience the nightlife and see the world's 3rd largest volcanoes. There are all sorts of things to do there so I'm sure we'll have an amazing time. We booked a gorgeous hotel and rented a car so I think this will be up to par with our Ibiza experience if not even better.

That's enough for now, toodles!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

two months later..

I am the absolutely WORST at keeping this blog updated! So much has happened between my last post and now so I'll quickly sum up the things that come to mind:

*I started a teaching certification course and started teaching real students. I'm learning a lot and it's been a great experience interacting with students and getting more comfortable in front of the classroom.

*Mic went to Cuba for 2 weeks and had an amazing time. He came back with little treats for me, lots of Revolution memorabilia, authentic Cuban cigars, and a taste for rum. He went with a best friend and I was really happy for him because I know it meant a lot to him. We watched "Che" before he left and I know it stirred something in him, especially with the things happening in Italy with Berlusconi. He's already trying to recruit for a revolution there and I'm happy he was able to explore a place he felt so strongly towards. They backpacked all over the entire country, meeting locals and really seeing everything. He also wants to start Salsa lessons since the Cubans shamed him every night they went out. He showed me some moves and as expected, I was phenomenal.

*Margo is still alive and naughty as ever. She's still climbing and tearing our curtains and bullying the other cats in our neighborhood. They're all at least twice her size but she definitely holds her own. Yesterday I was cleaning and she ran away terrified on account of the vacuum. I called her for about 30 minutes with no response. I was starting to go crazy because I knew she was inside but I thought I'd closed her into something. Turns out she was just not into the idea of answering me.. or climbing down from her perch on our window sill.

*Damaly is visiting for 2 weeks! She's currently in Dusseldorff but she'll get here Monday which I'm pumped for! Normally when she visits we're off exploring other countries but this time we have nothing planned. It'll be great for her to actually see Holland and she couldn't have picked a better time: the weather has been SPECTACULAR! It feels like summer and Mic and I have been taking every advantage. It's a long weekend on account of Easter and we've been relaxing and enjoying outdoor activities. She'll also be here in time for Queen's Day where I'm sure things will get creepy.

*My sister Bean is getting married next Summer and picked out her dress this week. Everyone says it's beautiful and I can't wait to see it! I miss her and my entire family and am still hoping to go home for a few weeks in July or August.

*Last but not least, my most exciting bit of news, we're going to the CANARY ISLANDS the first week of June! We're going to the island of Tenerife, which I hadn't heard of before but wow am I impressed with what I've seen online! I think it will be similar to Ibiza in that there's the partying and bustling nightlife aspect but it's also really beautiful and natural. I've looked into all kinds of amazing things to do, including a Jungle Park that's home to one of 27 while lions in the world and seeing the 3rd largest volcano in the world, Mt. Teide. I'm really excited to relax and have fun in the sun! WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!

That's all for now.. I'm gonna go wake up Mic and Margo from their naps. Between the two of them, I don't know who's worse with the sleeping! ;-p

Friday, February 18, 2011

you had my heart inside your hand & you played it to the beat

I am obsessed with Adele. I really want to see her live and she's coming to Amsterdam in April but of course, tickets are already sold out. I will give the Dutch credit: they are really good at booking things in advance. The Rotterdam film festival was last month and I swear, tickets for everything were already sold out in November. I really think people book things a year in advance.

Sweden was tremendous amounts of fun. We stayed in a really beautiful hotel directly beside Stockholm Central Station. We arrived Friday and spent a relaxing evening at a steak house before going to the Absolut Ice Bar, which as expected was FREEZING. Well, it wasn't so bad for the first half hour or so but even with the extra jacket and gloves, I found myself shivering. I blame this on the fact that I was dressed inappropriately in heels and a spicy top. Obviously I didn't get the memo and underestimated the situation. We called it a night relatively early so we could be on top of our sightseeing game the next day. We walked all over the place and took a beautifully romantic 3 hour boat tour of the archipelagos. We dined on board and not only was the food delicious but I had the best company. We then hit up a trendy bar for some fish and chips and drinks and finished our night there.

I always hear how beautiful Swedish women are but it certainly wasn't the impression I got. I found them to be average at best and no one stood out to me. Mic says that Sweden has the highest rate of suicide in the world and there is an air of sadness and rigidity and the gothic/emo look was HUGE. It was also very expensive and we couldn't help but notice that most of their stores were high end. In fact, I only saw one tiny H&M, which is strange since there's one on every corner of the shopping streets there. But Stockholm did have an Urban Outfitters which we enjoyed and the food everywhere was phenomenal.. even the meal we ate at the airport. Thankfully, it wasn't as cold as I was expecting but I'd still love to go again in the summer, when I'm sure it's a different scene. Nonetheless, it was still a good time and given the cheapness of the flights, I'm sure we'll go again once we get to the point where we're repeating trips. When I find the time, I'll post pictures. I am absolutely horrible at posting pictures on time. I still have pictures to put up from when I went home and some of the nights we spent out in January. Maybe I'll get to it next month.

Things are going pretty well for me here, although I do have my moments. I have a huge love/hate relationship with the Netherlands. While I'm happy to be here and really enjoy it for the most part, I hate that I'm away from my family and friends and all that I'm accustomed to. I've been here for 2 1/2 years (on and off) and sometimes, I'm really just over it. I hate the rules, I hate the procedures, I hate the bureaucracy, I hate the weather, I hate biking to go out on the weekends, and sometimes I really just hate everything. But then I remind myself of all the things I do like and am grateful for: a great man in my life, wonderful friends that I consider family, being foreign and getting away with breaking all the rules, traveling conveniently, making memories I never would have been able to make at home, and living a life that I can only do at this stage in my life before I'm bogged down with heavy responsibilities and little wheezy babies. I think I can enjoy this lifestyle for a few more years but I definitely feel like I need a change of pace.

I need to find things other than my life to talk about so let's do the thing where I ask you to pick a topic again, but this time, give me serious suggestions.. I don't want to turn this into a gossip blog because I really don't care about other people that much!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

happy birthday to me!

I can't believe I'm 25 today! It feels like I was just 18 and looking forward to my freshman year at UCONN. It feels like it was last week that I was 19  and sneaking into bars with my sister's ID. It feels like just yesterday I was 21! But, simultaneously, I am also fully aware the years have gone by. As hard as it's gotten at times, I wouldn't change anything because it led me to where I am. Actually, that's a lie; I would have done lots of things differently but at the end of the day, most of the difficulties I've faced either don't matter already or will soon be a distant memory. I still want for things but I am so grateful for all I have in my life and know that with hard work and the right attitude, I'll accomplish all my goals.

I'm finally feeling better after a day of feeling rather shitty. I managed to make it to the gym and ended up being trapped there for 3 hours, even though I only worked out for about 45 minutes. I felt dizzy and light headed after doing some cardio but I thought it was because I pushed myself too hard after having not gone for so long. I thought relaxing for a bit in the sauna would help and while it did feel good, I felt a lot worse after it. I couldn't even make it up the stairs without stopping every few steps. When I finally made it into the changing room, my vision was almost completely impaired and I was tripping over my feet trying to stay standing. It was pretty scary and embarrassing that people were asking me if I was alright. I laid down for a while before taking a shower and I couldn't even do that properly since my head was spinning so badly. I had to keep laying down because I felt so sickly and like I was going to vomit. Eventually I made it home and spent most of the day in bed. It really ruined my plans, as I intended to do some shopping in the center for..... STOCKHOLM TOMORROW!

I printed out a map and marked several locations for us to visit. I'm ecstatic to try the Absolut Ice Bar where everything is obviously made of ice. Even though we'll probably already be freezing our buns of steel off, I'm sure it'll be worth it.

I'm also going to Florence for a month in March, woo hoo! Very excited about that since I've never been to that part of Italy. It coincides with the weeks that Mic will spend with a best friend in Cuba (jealous!) so I'll be happy not to spend the time on my own. Plus, I'm expecting visits!

Anyway, I'll keep it short because I haven't packed anything yet and the house is a mess. I hate coming home to a messy home and I guess I gotta clean even though it's my birthday *hint hint Mic* ;-p

Thanks for all the well wishes on Facebook, via email and text. Love you guys!! <3

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bondye invite-m lan fet lacaye li..

God has invited me to a party at his house...

Those are lyrics from my grandmother's favorite song. She passed away last week at the ripe age of 98 and I can remember her singing this song all the time. I went home this past weekend for the funeral and it was one of the most heartbreaking moments of my life. My father seemed to be taking it all in stride but that all changed at the funeral home, when I think it actually hit him that this was all actually happening. While I viewed the weekend as a celebration of her long and happy life, watching my Dad completely break down was extremely difficult and his tears were contagious. Her sister didn't make things any easier, because they were best friends who spoke daily. It reminded me of the relationship I have with Damaly and I know it's selfish, but I hope I'm the first to go out of my immediate family. I cannot even bear to think of my life without the people I love so it's either I go first, we all die together, or we somehow become immortal.

Nonetheless, the good memories I have of my grandmother mostly overpowered my feelings of sadness. I'm named after her and I feel she always liked me best. Don't get me wrong, she used to get me in a lot of trouble when I tried to keep things from my parents. But I will never forget tickling her or pulling down her skirt until she'd laugh so hard, I thought her dentures would fall out. I remember the way she smelled and the way she used to braid her hair. I will always have the scar on my leg from when she accidentally burned me with an iron. I remember giving her manicures and seeing her undergarments drying in the bathroom. I remember how she'd always shout into the phone when I called to speak to her even though speaking normally would've been alright. I remember her huge glasses that always reflected so much light and how sweet she was to me. I remember how when I went home from the holidays, I was crying so hard as my Dad fed her. She looked so thin and different from what I remembered and something told me the next time I'd see her, it would be to say goodbye. She may no longer be with us, but hopefully I inherited all of her good traits and the "living long" gene is an Auguste/Wagnac trait.

At times like these, it's very difficult to remain optimistic about living in the Netherlands. I know my parents would love to have me home. All their friends were telling me how much they missed me and doing their best to persuade me to come home, since my parents are too stubborn and believe strongly in our personal freedom, even if they don't approve. I really miss seeing them all the time. We stayed up on Sunday night, playing board games and talking and I haven't bonded and laughed with them the way we did in too long. My father makes the funniest comments and my mother cheats so much. I love them with all my heart and it is my every intention to be back on American soil as soon as possible. Even though I have no intention or desire to move back to Connecticut.

I'm so happy the month of January is almost over. As if my grandmother's death wasn't enough, my grandfather had a stroke and is in the hospital. He has a weak heart that beats irregularly so chances are he'll have to be moved into a nursing home where they can monitor him a lot more than we'd be able to. I hope he's able to recover fully and that the madication he's on works so we can rule out a nursing home and/or a pacemaker.

I'll be 25 next Thursday and I'm ok with it. I have a lot to be thankful for at this stage in life and I'm confident that things will only get better. We'll spend next weekend in Stockholm and it'll be fantastic to have some quality time with my Michelino, even though we'll be frozen popsicles. I'm really looking forward to it.

I'll leave you all with another excerpt from Don't Sweat The Small Stuff: Write a heartfelt letter every week
With everything going on recently, I realized that I haven't always taken the time to express my feelings to the people I'm grateful for and love. This is definitiely something I want to do because I think it's important to thank people for helping me get to where I am, for being there for me, for making me smile and even for loving me. First up, my favorite piece of mozzarella: Piero Pichelino.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy New Year!! 10 days late....

So I'm back in the land of Nether and 2011 is treating me fantastically well thus far. It was stupendous to be reunited with Mic and Margo and Lizzy and the Van Weels since I missed them all terribly. After being surrounded by the massive cats at D's, Margo seemed tinier to me but it's clear to me now that she's actually grown a lot, which almost pains me because I want her to stay my beautiful kitten forever.

This is shaping up to be an exciting month for me: It's Lizzy's birthday this weekend and our good friend Mayra is coming to visit with her husband Angel! It'll be great to have this reunion with all of us and our other friends, all dressed up and possibly drunk like old times! Getting dolled up with my friends is my favorite part and thanks to a shopping spree from my honey yesterday, I'll enjoy it even more #spoiled. Then on the 19th, Lizzy and I will go see Drizzy Drake in concert, with a guest appearance from J. Cole. We've had loads of fun at the other concerts we've gone to so we're both really pumped!

A couple weeks after that, I turn the DREADED 25. But it's all good because I'll be bringing in my birthday in Stockholm, Sweden! Mic and I have never been but we'll brave the cold and keep warm, preserving our sexy nonetheless. I've never been to that part of the world so I'm super mega turbo excited!

In other news, 2011 will be a continuation of the evolution of Darline through thought and reflection. I was given the book "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff" as a gift and even after wafting through the first few pages, I'm already certain that it will become a staple in my development. I'm finding it so useful to me, I've decided to post excerpts from it on here as well because I think we can all benefit from it. The one below has stood stood out the most because it has to do with modesty and draws my attention to faults in my character:

Lesson #6- Let others have the glory.. "The ego is that part of  us that wants to be seen, heard, respected, considered special, often at the expense of someone else. It's the part of us that interrupts someone else's story or impatiently waits her turn to speak so she can bring the conversation and attention back to herself... The next time someone tells you a story or shares an accomplishment with you, notice your tendency to say something about yourself in response."

I've always considered myself an active listener but I must admit that I am sometimes guilty of this. I always thought it stemmed from the desire to be able to identify with whoever's talking and let them know I can understand what they're going through, but perhaps it is my damn ego! I'm not much of an attention seeker in terms of my personality or demeanor (being inebriated doesn't count!) and when it's someone's day or moment I'm most comfortable falling back and giving them their shine; in fact I promote it and have even derailed efforts by others who don't understand this concept. Nonetheless, I'm going to make a more conscious effort to let others have their moment, especially in conversation because perhaps in trying to identify with someone, I'm actually hogging their moments and taking the attention away from them. There are so many people I know/used to know that should take heed to this lesson!

That's all for now my darlings.. I'm going to enjoy my last 24 days of being 24
