Monday, May 25, 2009

super happy.

The past week has been outrageously super for me. I got to spend time with Lizzy, going to the movies and catching up on all the juicy details of our lives. I also had Thursday and Friday off so I ventured out to the Hellevoetsluis island area of Holland, to see my friend's new place as well as enjoy a few days of beach and relaxation. It was gorgeous weather, good company and sweet times.

I didn't get much sleep last night and intended to nap during any time off I had today and though that didn't happen, I'm not upset at all about it. I spent my morning at the beach reading a magazine, playing in the sea, getting sand in all my crevices, and having good conversation with Eline. We came home and had a relaxing afternoon of playing. But today was extra special for me because after dinner I got to play with Lara, Niek and Tijn and it was so much fun! Of course they all wanted to be spun around and tickled and normally I wouldn't do it because it winds them up before bed but they had the biggest smiles and even though Lara and Tijn had to take baths, she jumped into my arms and was begging for me to go with her. She gave me the biggest hug and let me hug her back which hasn't happened before and it really made me feel good. She's the one I've felt the least close too on account of us having less time to bond (she plays a lot with friends and has all kinds of lessons) so it really made me happy to see that I was making her as happy as I was.

This week I intend to devote more time to making concrete plans to stay and will hopefully have an update in the upcoming days. Now, it's time for bed. Night!