Thursday, December 11, 2008

Maar ik vind it zo lekker!

That is a classic quote from my sweet, lovable, I'm-going-to-pack-you-in-my-suitcase-and-steal-you, Tijn. I was downstairs making breakfast for them last week and he was trying to eat Paper Notes (traditional Sinterklaas cookie thingy). I told him, no, he couldn't have them for breakfast, and while my back is turned he runs with the bag into the living room (I love how kids think they're so slick). I repeat again that he can't have them and he says in the cutest voice EVER, "Maar ik vind it zo lekker" which translates into, "but I find them so tasty!" I had to stop myself from feeding him the entire bag.

Anylekker, I'm feeling better about life right now. I just had a wonderful dinner with Thomas and Eline where we laughed and chatted a lot and they're really two of the most awesome people on Earth. Today was a spectacular day. I managed to get to the gym, take a nap, and ik heb cadeautje's gemaakt. I should be cleaning my room and writing postcards right now, but I can get to that tomorrow since I'm babysitting. Here are some pictures from last weekend out with my loves!

Whenever I'm excited about something, it's all I'm able to think about. Natuurlijk, I cannot stop thinking about my trip to Paris!!! I've already made a list of things to pack and what I need to buy. I've been trying not to spend too much money but I did make some delicious purchases that I'm really excited to wear.. I still need a dress for New Years but I'm sure I'll find something in PARISSSSSS. I hope Remy has a camera because I managed to leave my camera charger somewhere back in the states! Despite me asking around, no one knows where it is so it looks like I'm screwed. I'll take it back to the 90's and use a one-time use.. maybe I'll even upgrade to digital.

Pim and Niek were sick all week but I'm happy to report that they're all better! It's getting awfully close to my bed time so I must bid you farewell.. tot ziens!