Monday, November 24, 2008

happy holidays, indeed!

Okay so in just FOUR WEEKS, I will have 2 weeks sans crying babies, poo-filled diapers, and 7:30 AM wake-up calls!!!!!!! Words cannot describe my excitement! Initially, I thought I'd be having quite a lonely holiday season since everyone I know here will be on vacation or going back to the states. Going home crossed my mind as well but I really have no desire to pass up on 2 weeks of quality travel time. My friend who was to visit from the US can't make it so I thought I'd have to travel alone maar, that is not the case! After contemplating going to Rome, Egypt, Prague, I managed to not only sucker my Dutch friend into traveling with me to PARIS, but he agreed to drive there (it's about 5 hours away)!!! Not only will I not have to deal with the damn train Nazis and see the countryside, but I can pass the time listening to music, napping comfortably and saving the 200+ euro it probably would've cost me for train tickets. I will probably spend said euro on getting Lisa a boyfriend. I also looked into some hostels and for the +/- 7 days that we stay, I won't have to spend more than 125 euro!!!

In addition, my pair-daddy Thomas, offered to give me 150 euro to go towards my travel! Since Paris isn't going to cost me much I'm toying with the idea of spending the 21st-24th in Barcelona, Spain. I looked up ticket and hostels and found a deal that would only cost me about 180 euro! I have not yet been able to sucker anyone into going with me but I think I'd be okay with traveling on my own. The hostel I looked at offers cool day trips and I'm social enough to make new friends along the way. When we stayed in our hostel in Belgium, we met an 18/19 year old Australian girl traveling by herself. If she can do it at that young age, I can do it as well. I really hope I don't get roofied/raped/mugged/killed or some combination of the 4.. that would really put a damper on things. I'm not certain if Barcelona will happen for sure because I may go with my sister when she gets here but it's cool to have options.

In other news, the kids are doing great. This past weekend was very relaxing.. I babysat on Friday night then did nothing Saturday night, but had my first scooter experience. It totally reminded me of Lloyd and Harry from Dumb & Dumber minus the peeing. Here are some pictures from last weekend, when we tried out that new place, Bitter Zoet as well as pictures of my little babies:

I don't even know this man! Please explain why he's hugging me so?!

I met Sinterklaas yesterday and he's a lot thinner than Santa. It also snowed yesterday and this morning (thankfully it didn't stick) which reminded me of good ol' Connecticut. Now the sun's ablazing and I'm contemplating going for a run but given Mother Nature's erratic moods and the fact that my break times are always compromised, it probably won't happen.

UPDATE: Mother Nature wasn't her usual cunty self and it's actually still gorgeous out. I need to stop having a conscience and stop putting others first because it's obviously not working in my favor. I was gonna go for a run on my break from 12:30-2:30 but around 12:50, Eline tells me Pim had a doctor's appointment and even though she offered to take Niek with her, I could tell it'd be a hassle and the poor thing was exhausted from Little Gyming it this morning. She came back around 1:50 but that would've only left me 40 minutes and I didn't want to have to rush. She said it'd be fine if I went around 3 after she picked up the kids which was fine by me. ButTijn and Lara both bring home a friend to play with and of course they wake up Pim and Niek when they get home. Pim and Niek are crying as I head for the door and I find myself feeling bad. So bad that I offer to take Niek for a walk to calm him down. He must've still been tired because he didn't wanna walk on his own and insisted I carry him. He didn't want to be in the house (not that I can blame him) so we got lost together in Heemstede. I figured I could go after our walk but Eline offered to drop off the kids that aren't hers so no running for me. It's so frustrating.

Dec. 20th needs to hurry up and get here. Au revoir!