Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Express Yourself, yea do it.

I spent the past few hours reading all my entries from the beginning and I'm still overwhelmed by all that's transpired in the last two years. I remember how I began, rambling as only Wheezy can, about a new and exciting chapter in my life by venturing to Europe. Never in a million years did I think I'd still be here, living the life I'm currently living. Sometimes it all feels like it was all a dream: all the people I met, the places I visited, the bullshit I've encountered, and the resulting changes to my character and sentiments on life. It was astonishing to go through the documented evolution of Darline, particularly the deeper entries, and to remember how I felt during those times. The lighthearted entries, coupled with my albums on Facebook, brought a smile to my face and warm feelings to my chest as I relived the crazy moments in my head. To this day, I am bewildered that I survived those countless shots of tequila, dangerous bike rides home, involuntarily taking bus tours of different cities at 3 AM and basically surviving the pandemonium that was my life for so many years. I'm thrilled that things have slowed down and that my experiences taught me so much about the person I am and want to be, as well as helped me to eliminate bad habits and negative people from this little life of mine. I will always be in a state of development and I can't wait to see where else this life will take me. I know it's taking em to KENYA in about two weeks and that's damn good enough for me.

I also wanted to hear back from you! Do I bore you with my babble? Are you tired of reading about how great my life is or wandering where in the world is Darline San Diego? If so, post a comment or message me about a topic you'd like discussed or just wanna see how I feel about it or if you want some honest advice (I will always tell it like it is). You can post anonymously if you like and it can be serious topics or snow peas, I really don't give a shit. 

in a while crocodiles!