Sunday, September 28, 2008

dedicated to my anthony...

It has been too long since I've updated my blog! So much has happened and I don't even know where to begin. This has been quite an eventful weekend but I'm so exhausted that I will not do this post justice if I try and elaborate right now. I merely wanted to post something so that a good friend of mine from the states, would have his dosage of Darline.

Anthony, my darling.

He brought it to my attention that I was being a slacker and for that I owe him many thanks. Tomorrow I will go into greater detail about my travel plans, Niek's birthday, making scenes and cursing people out at the Rotterdam train station, grabbing the mic and spittin B.I.G. lyrics (it was all a dream), our Jimmy Woo experience, the link to the video I basically starred in (and by starred I mean I'm no where to be fuckin found in the midst of all the people thrusting violently), some pictures, and various other details of my personal and social life. Hope the suspense doesn't kill you, goodnight!!!