Tuesday, October 14, 2008

YouTube is the shit.

Although I'm loving my time here in the Netherlands, there's so much going on today in the world that I have not yet devoted enough time too. For instance, one of the most important elections in United States history. Being here makes it a bit more difficult (read inconvenient) to vote and originally I had decided not to bother with an absentee ballot. I believe that the voting system in the US is drastically flawed and have felt like there's no point in me even voting. Despite the fact that I sometimes hate when Hollywood figures take it upon themselves to voice uneducated opinions (this is usually young Hollywood) or ask people to support political figures for the wrong reasons (I think Obama is great but don't vote for him just because he's Black), I will say that the following video is actually thoughtful and something that citizens, particularly young America can relate too:

Perhaps I'll submit an absentee ballot afterall... maybe. I'm positive that Connecticut will vote Democratic and it's not like the popular vote means anything so there's not much incentive for me from here. But don't be like me! Register to vote then actually DO IT. Hypocritical yes, but at least I'm honest.

I was having a conversation with Lizzy the other day about my goals in life. From a very young age, I'd always told myself that before I die, I would adopt several children as well as build a foster home/orphanage (several if I can). I know that if I am blessed to have the money to do so, I will give back. Sounds like a pageant answer but there's no crown, money, or endorsement deals to be won; the only prize is that good feeling you get when you know you're doing an awesome thing and the smile/laugh/hug that only a child can give you and make you feel like a bajillion bucks. I've read articles and seen specials on families living on the streets and I always wonder how people can walk by them. Don't get me wrong, I've seen several on the streets in my lifetime that I didn't help but it's either because they creeped me out, were obviously under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol or I was really broke. I do always wonder how it was they ended up on the street and I say a little prayer for their well-being. Nonetheless, I've given money to the majority of people who asked because that's just my nature. I found the following video to be very touching and encourage everyone not to just look away. I'm not saying to give out entire paychecks.. just asking you to give something if you can.

In other news, Beyonce is so goddamn extra! She always has to be so over the top, dancing extra hard and be the center of attention (Kelly and Michelle look really different in this video...) buuuuttt, I'm loving this song/video/concept and she's gorgeoussssss!

Okay, so before this turns into a video blog, I'll give you a brief update on my stay here. Today is Tijn's 4th birthday and has been so excited and was so happy this morning! We decorated the downstairs area with signs and balloons and he was so surprised when he came downstairs this morning for school. He really is my favorite.. so sweet and adorable! Niek is learning to speak more and more each day and still misbehaving in the cute little way only he can. He's currently in my room right now, looking through my "secret" drawer and playing with things that are NOT toys! Every so often he'll pick up my laundry basket and put it over his head or rummage through my closet. It's not fair to other children how cute he is. Lara has gotten a lot more respectful and I feel like things are going a lot smoother.

My weekends are still devoted to partying and not getting any of the rest I promise myself I'll get during the week. This past weekend we went to Bitter Zoet and had the usual good times. However, I would like to go to other clubs/bars because Amsterdam has a lot to offer. Saturday night we went to some club named after the devil, which was quite relaxing in fun.. if you don't mind not being able to breathe very well and smelling like an ashtray afterward. Sunday was spent doing a little shopping and course, Wok to Walk!

This weekend we're going to Brussels/Antwerp, Belgium, yay!!