Sunday, January 11, 2009

if you're happy & you know it, clap your hands!

This week was really wonderful. Things with the family went smoothly and I was still coming off my high from spending New Year's in Paris. Also, having everything all set for my sister when she gets here really took a load off of my shoulders because I like to have things taken care of well in advanced. For a moment, we weren't sure if she was even still coming out, given the terribleness of the American economy but she cleared everything with her job and everytime I think of seeing her lovely face at 8 AM at the airport, I lose my breath with excitement.

I had a fabulous night out with the girls on Friday, where we were ALL ridiculously drunk and even though I didn't get home til 6:30 AM, I'm very happy to report that I DID NOT fall off my bike! Here are a few pics I stole from Jaime since I didn't have my camera. My favorite is the one of me scraping myself off the ground after having fallen off my bike in the rain. Alcohol is great.
**Any potential future employers, disregard the pictures of the girl who looks like me on the pole... it's really my alter ego Emma Spruce****

Saturday, I dined with several au pairs, one of which is leaving to return home to Australia next Sunday. It was super leuk to be around so many girls from different backgrounds and I even discovered that au pairs can also live out! I love the family I work for now but I would definitely have preferred to live with other au pairs.. I like being able to go downstairs in my pajamas and not having to travel back & forth but it would also be nice to be able to leave work at work, not have to tiptoe, or need clearance for having people over. If I had the option before I began I would've taken it, but I'm happy living here and I like feeling close to the family (except the not having a door thing) so it's all good.

Sunday I hung out with Rems and his family and I did a little skating since all the water around here was frozen. There were so many people out enjoying it (it doesn't always get cold enough for the water to freeze) and I snapped some cool pics of the scenery. I also threw in some pics of Niek in his raider (knight) costume: