Thursday, January 15, 2009

a year ago... I'da body-slammed you*

I don't have much time but I wanna stay true to my word about frequent posts so here's a quick update: There are exactly 2 WEEKS left before my sister arrives!! Tomorrow is Lizzy's birthday so be on the look out for new pictures of us, cute and put together at first, and progressively looking worse/being outta control/and behaving inappropriately. You're welcome.

Prague is a definite so the month of February will be quite adventurous as I'll be going to 3 different countries in 3 weeks!

I also passed my Dutch exam and qualified to advance to the next stage! Seeing as how I was always exhausted and had serious ADD during most of the classes, ik ben trots op ik! (that's probably a poorly constructed sentence but basically, I'm damn proud of myself). I really do want to get better at the language though becausssseeeee, I'm seriously considering staying! The American economy is shit right now and it'd probably be much easier for me to get a job out here. I wouldn't even mind if it was some sort of secretarial job, as long as I could make enough for rent and to travel. A year here is not long enough for me to go to all the places I want to see. I think I need to give Europe another year or two.

more later, tot ziens!