Friday, March 19, 2010

Th3r3'5 a F1r5t T1m3 4 3v3rYtH1nG

I've never posted twice in one day but having little else better to do affords me such luxuries.

So I'm browsing through Facebook and I realized: a lot of my 'friends' are complete strangers, total idiots and depressingly illiterate. The fact that I don't know many of my contacts on The Book is admittedly my own fault; I shouldn't have accepted them as friends or gotten so drunk at Nickel Night on Thursdays during college and made so many beer buddies. But I am not to blame for the stupidity and overwhelming spelling and grammatical errors plaguing the pages of that blue and white addictive demon who seems to have a death-grip on so many of our lives.

Recently I've gotten into the habit of taking advantage of the 'Hide' option on my News Feed so as not to be bombarded by people who treat Facebook like it's their Twitter (constantly updating me on gems like them watching TV, urinating, having a Cesarian section, breathing, etc.). I also don't want to participate in Mafia Wars, Farmville, Let's eat Gerbils, or whatever silliness people insist on sending me invites to. Don't get me wrong, there are people whose lives I'm genuinely interested in but I undoubtedly couldn't care less about your deviated septum or who you're hitting with those god awful pillows!

Despite the majority of my friends being college educated, you wouldn't know it from their posts. I'm not asserting that a college education makes you any smarter than someone who didn't go any further than high school. In fact, I'm arguing the very opposite. I am flabbergasted by some people making it even past the 6th grade. I realize Facebook is a social network and it's informal blah blah blah but COME ON... some of these errors appear to be blatant- like people are actually going out of their way to misspell things or TyP3 1iK3 tHi5. It just doesn't make any sense! This pales in comparison to some of the 'intellects' that post on topics like politics and religion. While these posts lack grammatical errors, they tend to be based on under-developed ideologies and lack any research/truth/thought/originality whatsoever. They're walking puppets who think they know everything about everything because they watch Fox News.

I've just explained to myself why more than half of my FaceBook friends are hidden from my News Feed. Good riddance.