Tuesday, August 12, 2008

let me wrap my thighs around your waist...*

I've been fantastically well these past few days but now I've got a case of the Mondays.. back to my mundane, uneventful, not-the-kind-of-lifestyle-someone-as-fabulous-as-me-should-be-living week. Wednesday night I went into New York City with Damaly to see a comedy show at Caroline's that her 'ex' performed in. I have not laughed so long in forrreeevvveerr and I can honestly say that my moderate (& by moderate i mean 3-4) consumption of Long Island Iced Teas had little to do with me holding my sides & emitting the kind of laughter generally associated with burly middle-aged men. I won't do the performers the injustice of me trying to reiterate jokes from their acts cuz I'd surely butcher them but let's just say i may have peed on myself a little & watched much of the show through tear-filled eyes. Thursday a buncha my girls, D & I went to the new MGM Grand @ Foxwoods. It was quite a trek getting there since Mother Nature decided to be a cunt, unleashing viscious hail (i thought the fist-size chunks were gonna break my window!) and thunderstorms that had cars pulling over, trees falling down & the Merritt Parkway to be even more of a pitch-black guessing game. I was actually thankful for the flashes of lightening that temporarily basked my path with light. The life-threatening trip was well worth it. I got to see my panda bear & we all dressed up like baby whores to socialize exclusively with ourselves once we got to The Shrine. I was already half in the bag upon our arrival but I had such a good time dancing with my sister & friends & we stayed the night, relieving everyone of any designated driver responsibilities. I then spent the weekend down in Maryland with my boo boo bear Mark, checking out his new pad, going to a Mexican themed party, stealing shot glasses from a Mexican restaurant (apparently I became Hispanic this weekend) partaking in intellectual past-time activities like beer (in my case bacardi & orange juice) pong, relaxing & really just being totally at peace & care-free with someone I genuinely care for. He reads this so I'm not gonna toot his horn anymore but he is quite stupendous <3

I came across a story online I feel is worthy to discuss: apparently a man attempted to pose as a police officer to garner free porn from an adult novelty shop. I've heard of cops getting free donuts/other fattening but delicious desserts, free coffee, drug/blood money, maybe some domer from a chick tryna get out of a ticket but PORN? Don't get me wrong, quality porn may get expensive (not that i know or anything) but with bitchin technology like the internet it's readily accessible. Unfortunately for the gentleman, it didn't work but kudos to him for being an innovator!

I am an avid fan of the King of Queens & although people think Leah Remini is a bitch, I find her to be quite risible. Anyway, I was unaware that she was a Scientologist. I'm not one to knock anyone's personal beliefs & actually don't disagree with every aspect of the religion & they don't all differ from other faiths (they believe that man is generally good but err in judgement by soley considering their own points of view & in reincarnation). Nonetheless, I am not inclined to believe that alien dictators placed implants in the minds of humans to brainwash & control us (ain't that the pot calling the kettle black). Sounds farfetched to me but I am of the Catholic faith (technically.. although I am not loyal to any one religion; i say be a good, respectful person & try not to do any bad shit) who denounce the theory of evolution & believe that Jesus died for us & rose from the dead. tomato, tomatto.

Anyway, I bring this up cuz Scientology is often considered a cult & I read really sad story of a little boy who may have lost his life because of his mom's involvement in one: http://mobile.baltimoresun.com/news.jsp?key=204043&rc=mane. What is this world coming too?!?

enough for now, tata.